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Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a statutory regulatory body under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co-operatives established by the UNBS Act Cap 327 and became operational in 1989. It is governed by the National Standards Council and headed by the Executive Director who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of UNBS.

The Mandate of Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is:

  • Formulation and promotion of the use of standards;

  • Enforcing standards in protection of public health and safety and the environment against dangerous and sub-standard products;

  • Ensuring fairness in trade and precision in industry through reliable measurement systems; and

  • Strengthening the economy of Uganda by assuring the quality of locally manufactured products to enhance the competitiveness of exports in regional and international markets.                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Metrology – Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)

Metrology is the science of measurement. Measurements and metrology are of specific significance in standardization, quality management, accreditation and metrology system especially for the provision of conformity assessment services.

Metrology is fundamental to almost all inspection, testing and certification services both in the voluntary and regulatory sectors.

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) on Weighing equipment Construction, type approval and verification

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) must certify Weighing equipment used for legal purposes and it must be accurate and manufactured in accordance with an approved type approval or examination certificate.

Weighing instruments are either:

  • passed as ‘fit for use for trade’ by an inspector of weights and measures or an approved verifier
    … or (and more commonly these days)

  • ‘qualified’ for legal use by an approved manufacturer, a notified body, an inspector of weights and measures or, following adjustment or repair, an approved verifier                                                                     


Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Stamps and stickers

When weighing equipment for legal use has been made and qualified as conforming to all manufacturing and accuracy requirements the required Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) stamps, stickers and other indications are attached to it by the manufacturer or approved qualifier. Some equipment – weighbridges, for example – is required to be tested and have its final approval stamps applied when the equipment has been installed in its place of use.

The systems certified stickers and stamp is issued by Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) who passed the equipment as fit for trade use is found on a weighing equipment.

Instruments verified by Legal Metrology Department include weights, weighing and measuring equipment that are used in trade:

  • Counter Machines;

  • Spring Balance;

  • Platform Scales;

  • Weights (Class M2 and M3);

  • Measures of Length;

  • Capacity Measures

  • Automatic weighers;

  • Fuel dispensers

  • Depot meters

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